Wow I didn't realise that it has been so long since I last updated. The main reason for this is not only that is was the summer; but that recently I have been busy with a number of projects, all at various stages. Anyway here is a photo of a built-in wardrobe I made recently. It's made from Southern Yellow Pine and the screens are basic curtain lining material. This was chosen because the traditional rice paper wouldn't have been strong enough. The drawers in the centre go all the way up to the turn of the eaves to maximise the amount of storage. Cut-outs were used as handles for the drawers because surface mounted handles would have got in the way of the doors. All of the half joints in the screens were cut by hand in the traditional way and the mortice and tenon joints in the frame are pegged for extra strength.
It has also been brought to my atteniton tht their are a lot of typos in my blog so I'll be more careful in future and I will be correcting previous errors.